Friday, October 10, 2008

Naturopathic Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Naturopathic Medicine can help reduce the side effects of medications, reduce symptom severity and frequency, and alleviate the need to take as much prescription medicine.

As with any modality naturopathic medicine also has its own set of limitations. Natural treatments take more time than prescription drugs. Keep in mind the immune system turns over a new supply of white blood cells about every 4 months. Joints are avascular meaning that they lack a blood supply and receive all their nutrients through simple diffusion. The natural treatment of joint problems therefore requires time, discipline, and dedication.

Patient compliance is typically an obstacle to cure when it comes to natural healing techniques for autoimmune disease. Be sure to work with a licensed naturopathic physician for the best holistic management of this complex condition, preferably one with a special interest in autoimmune conditions. Initially, frequent appointments should help you stay more motivated to make these changes.

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