Friday, October 10, 2008

What is the Cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Since the etiology of RA is currently unknown, and all we know about RA in our current medical model is that “anti-body-complement complexes result in intra-articular inflammation” it is thus important that we eliminate all potential immune system aggravators, and ALWAYS address causes of health imbalance in the patient where applicable.

In layman’s terms, the immune system is reacting to something in the system, and those immune complexes are depositing in the joints, causing inflammation, the resultant inflammation is systematically destroying the joints. Until the cause of RA is further understood, as a biochemist and physician I think it is imperative that all food additives and other chemicals are removed from the diet and lifestyle. Something in the system is likely triggering the inflammatory autoimmune response, and it is better to error on the side of caution. Whole foods eating is the way to go.

All patients with RA will surely improve from a diet and lifestyle clean up, as from a sensible standpoint; a pure whole foods diet will only improve the total health of the patient while we investigate other potential causes of this frustrating and debilitating painful disease.

I have yet to see someone with an autoimmune disease that did not improve dramatically from healthier eating and living. If changing your diet and lifestyle seems overwhelming from reading this article, please consider your long term health, and make small goals to achieve systematically. Stay positive and don’t get caught by a potentially debilitating case of the “I cants”.

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This website is intended for educational purposes only. Read our full disclaimer. Always work with your physician for proper care and supervision. Never make any changes to your health without first consulting with your physician. Have your physician check for drug interactions, and always be cautious when combining natural medicines and drugs for rheumatoid arthritis.